Seller Introduction Guide

Hello and welcome to the Space Foundry Marketplace Seller Introduction Guide! We are happy to have your interest as a seller and look forward to helping you sell.

Throughout this guide we will mention the Seller Portal which is just the platform that our sellers use to manage their personal shop on the marketplace.

This guide will go over everything you need to start selling on the Space Foundry Marketplace. Let's start!

1. Becoming a Seller

a) Navigate to your Edit Account Page, and make sure that you have SELL selected on the I want to: dropdown.

2. Getting Verified to Sell

a) Navigate to your Account Page. You will see this Get Verified to Sell button under where your email is listed.

b) Please visit the Star Citizen Verification Guide to get verified.

3. Seller Portal Guide

You will now see the Seller Portal button under where your email is listed.

3. Seller Approval Request

You now will need to join the Space Foundry Discord Server and private message LiquidForce#1522 about being approved as a seller. You can also send an email to [email protected] mentioning that your seller account needs to be approved.

This is a manual process to ensure the overall quality of the sellers on the Space Foundry Marketplace are trustworthy and experienced.

At this point you are ready to enter the Seller Portal and start listing items!

Please visit our Seller Portal User Guide for any questions about using the Seller Portal.