The Nomad is ready to go anywhere and do anything, and with the stylish metallic pink and black Lovestruck paint scheme it can truly embrace the romance of adventuring across the galaxy.
With the versatility of a medium-sized multi-purpose freighter packed into a stylish, compact frame, the Consolidated Outland Nomad is the model of self-sufficiency, the spirit of the open sky, and the perfect solution for anyone yearning to start a brand-new adventure.
RIFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this refferal code STAR-6YWN-DC7G and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
This special event edition comes with an exclusive 10 year insurance contract
- Standalone Consolidate Outland Nomad
- Lovestruck Paint
- 6 month insurance
- Self-Land Hangar
Please refer to the loaner matrix while this vehicle is in development.
This is NOT a GAME PACKAGE. Please note a GAME PACKAGE is required to play the game and fly or access your ships.