When RSI set out to make the definitive modern statement in persuasive prevention, they looked into their own past, to the historic gunships designated Perseus. Capable of shredding sub-capital class goliaths, the mere presence of a Perseus gunship in a blockade or patrol squad is enough to make your most aggressive enemies think twice before engaging, just like its vintage namesake.
This special event edition comes with an exclusive 10 year insurance contract
RIFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-6YWN-DC7G and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
😎 Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated. 😎
- Standalone Ship RSI Perseus ILW
- 10 year insurance
- Industrial Hangar
Please refer to the loaner matrix while this vehicle is in development.
This is NOT a GAME PACKAGE. Please note a GAME PACKAGE is required to play the game and fly or access your ships.
Extra Information
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