Description: Inludes:
- Red QuikFlarePro
- Cyan QuikFlarePro
- Green QuikFlarePro
NOTE: Unlike the standard QuikFlare currently found in Stanton, these QuikFlarePro are intended for reuse and will stay lit for as long as you hold onto them. If you drop them, they will stay lit until retrieved or standard server clean-up processes occur. Similar to previous handheld flair items like knives or firearms, if you collect after dropping/trading or maintain possession of your QuikFlarePro, it may be reused and last indefinitely.
REFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-T9H2-PRZL and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
👍Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.👍
This item will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.
Extra Information
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