Red QuikFlarePro
Cyan QuikFlarePro
Green QuikFlarePro
Illuminate the way forward or signal for help with the QuikFlarePro from Shubin Interstellar. For centuries, miners have counted on this flare as part of their core toolkit, thanks to its tried and true design and durability that ensures it stays ablaze in the various harsh weather and difficult atmospheric conditions encountered across the ‘verse. The QuikFlarePro uses advanced tech to glow longer than the standard QuikFlare.
NOTE: Unlike the standard QuikFlare currently found in Stanton, these QuikFlarePro are intended for reuse and will stay lit for as long as you hold onto them. If you drop them, they will stay lit until retrieved or standard server clean-up processes occur. Similar to previous handheld flair items like knives or firearms, if you collect after dropping/trading or maintain possession of your QuikFlarePro, it may be reused and last indefinitely.