The Zeus Exploration Suit has been designed to honor some of the earliest space pioneers, the RSI crews who developed and tested the Zeus, the first commercial spacecraft. While the suit is styled to match those used centuries ago with attachments for a helmet and backpack, it contains all of the modern technology and conveniences expected by present-day explorers. The Zeus offers good resistance to harsh environments and excellent storage space for sample-collecting during EVAs.
This helmet is only compatible with the Zeus Exploration Suit.
REFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-T9H2-PRZL and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
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The Zeus Exploration Suit has been designed to honor some of the earliest space pioneers, the RSI crews who developed and tested the Zeus, the first commercial spacecraft. While the suit is styled to match those used centuries ago with attachments for a helmet and backpack, it contains all of the modern technology and conveniences expected by present-day explorers. The Zeus offers good resistance to harsh environments and excellent storage space for sample-collecting during EVAs.
This helmet is only compatible with the Zeus Exploration Suit.
REFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-T9H2-PRZL and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
👍Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.👍
This item will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.
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