Upgrade your Avenger Titan To a Drake Herald with this cross chassis upgrade (CCU)
The Herald is a small, armored ship designed to safely get information from Point A to Point B. Featuring a powerful central engine (for high-speed transit and generating the power needed for effective data encryption/containment), advanced encryption software and an armored computer core, the Herald is unique among personal spacecraft in that it is designed to be easily 'cleaned' when in danger of capture.Notably, data running and hacking are not yet implemented, so the ship does not yet have all intended functionality.
REFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-T9H2-PRZL and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
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This item will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.
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