- Legionnaire to Cutlass Red Standard Edition
- Before clicking the links or images in gift email, logging in the RSI account that you want to claim the item in RSI website.
- Product will be delivered as soon as possible, usually in 24 hours.
- You must have a copy of Star Citizen, which means you must own starter pack or have joined concierge.
- This is a digital item.
- You do not need any pre-requisite to own this upgrade but you need an existing ship that is going to be upgraded in order to use it and convert it into designated ship. Insurance will be inherited.
- Melt value is the store credit to be returned based on the real money spent on this item. The word "Standard Edition" means the melt value is the diffrence between the prices of two ships, "Warbond Edition" or "WB" means the melt value is not the diffrence between the prices of two ships. By default the upgrade is "Standard Edition".

- Legionnaire to Cutlass Red Standard Edition
- Before clicking the links or images in gift email, logging in the RSI account that you want to claim the item in RSI website.
- Product will be delivered as soon as possible, usually in 24 hours.
- You must have a copy of Star Citizen, which means you must own starter pack or have joined concierge.
- This is a digital item.
- You do not need any pre-requisite to own this upgrade but you need an existing ship that is going to be upgraded in order to use it and convert it into designated ship. Insurance will be inherited.
- Melt value is the store credit to be returned based on the real money spent on this item. The word "Standard Edition" means the melt value is the diffrence between the prices of two ships, "Warbond Edition" or "WB" means the melt value is not the diffrence between the prices of two ships. By default the upgrade is "Standard Edition".
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