Description: Description: CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies PackALSO CONTAINS:CITIZENCON 2951 TROPHYRRS KNIFE - FALLOUTArden-SL Core BalefireArden-SL Helmet BalefireArden-SL Legs BalefireArden-CL Backpack BalefireArden-SL Arms BalefireOriginal CIG page https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/citizencon-digital-goodies-pack-2
REFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-T9H2-PRZL and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
👍Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.👍
This pack will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.
REFERRAL: If you don't have an Star Citizen account, click this referral code STAR-T9H2-PRZL and it will take you to the enlist page so you can get 5,000 UEC.
👍Please don't forget to submit a review after your purchase, it will help a lot and is greatly appreciated.👍
This pack will become account-bound to your respective game account and non-transferable upon arrival.
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